Monday, June 7, 2010


To: Mother Cuvier,
From: Laura Foley,
Cc: Principal Hodge,
Subject: Georges’s Dismissal On Grounds of Verbal Assault
Date: 2 November, 2009

Dear Mrs. Cuvier,

I regret to inform you that this is the last time I will be in contact with you concerning Georges’s misbehavior, although since I have not received a response from you yet, I will assume that you have not gotten any of my messages.

Starting in the beginning of the school year, Georges has been harassing one of the students in our class, Sarah Baartman. Sarah is from South Africa and she is of Khoisan descent, giving her characteristics that differ from many children here, but all of the children in our class and, indeed, in our school, have been very accepting of Sarah as a person. Georges, on the other hand, has not, at all.

On the first day of school, Georges announced to the class at recess that he had a “scientific” interest in Sarah. I asked him what he meant by that, unsure of what constituted a scientific interest for a fifth grader, and he told me that he wanted to examine her without her clothes on. I intervened immediately, and Georges had appointments with the school counselor to talk about sexual harassment, but that helped little. A few weeks later, Georges made some very disturbing remarks to other students about his plans to take plaster molds of her body and pickle other of her body parts after she dies (Sarah Baartman, Course Docs). These remarks caused Sarah much grief. When I learned of these remarks, I went straight to the principal, unsure of what I should do, since I had received no response from you after the voicemails I left on your home answering machine. The principal and I both agreed that Georges’s comments were very serious, and could not be ignored.

Georges recently informed our school counselor that his family saw “white people,” particularly people of European descent, as genetically superior to people who have darker skin or are from different areas of the world, and that wanting to gawk at an inferior person was normal. He also explained to me very calmly that he couldn’t help it if he was part of a genetically superior race than Sarah, and it was his duty to gather information on her to share with other people of his race. When I asked him where he learned these things, he said, “Why, everyone knows these things – it’s just the way they are!”

I am extremely disturbed by what seems to be an overtly racist atmosphere that you have provided for Georges’s growth at home. It is common knowledge today that “race” has no basis in genetics; in fact, there is more racial variation among members of the same “race” than between members of different “races.” Racial biologization is almost completely rejected by science now (Lopez, IWS, 53), so I am saddened that Georges is being provided with faulty information.

All in all, it is with regret that the administration must expel Georges from Miami Elementary School on the basis of harassment. I hope that this prompts growth for you, Georges, and all of your family, and I hope that you and Georges search for more accurate information. I also hope that Georges is one day able to reconcile with Sarah.


Ms. Laura Foley
5th Grade
Miami Elementary School


  1. I really enjoyed your choice to respond in the form of a letter to George’s mother. It is incredible to look at this social atrocity through the eyes of an elementary school teacher. It demonstrates the ability of today’s society, even its children, to recognize and condemn these acts of prejudice. In Sarah Baartman’s time, however, the views held by Cuvier and his contemporaries would no doubt be shared by any school mistress. It is a joy to realize that in the (relatively) short time between Sarah Baartman’s abuse and today we have made great strides as a world community to improve prejudice and inequality among the races. But we are still not finished. As is confirmed by Cuvier’s mother’s lack of response to your letters, there are still many in the world who think themselves superior because of their descent or skin color. It is the responsibility of progressive citizens like Ms. Laura Foley, 5th grade teacher, to challenge and refuse to accept the views of these backward thinking people. Only with the help and encouragement of regular, everyday people can these prejudices be fully eradicated. I applaud your creativity and wit in this post and look forward to reading more.

  2. Haha. Oh, Laura; this is brilliant! Such a creative twist to the story. I love how the letter is directed towards Georges’ mother and as a fifth grader. It is at this time when people are vulnerable and accepting of their parents’ beliefs. I do not doubt that Georges came from a family who shared his views of a superior race.
    I also like how you said Georges was sexually harassing Baartman because this was exactly what it was. He was making a spectacle of her naked body in attempt to prove her inferiority. It is appalling to think people like this still exist, but I know it’s true.
    In referring to his thoughts on racial superiority, I like when you say, “When I asked him where he learned these things, he said, ‘Why, everyone knows these things – it’s just the way they are!’” Doesn’t this still ring so true? There will continue to be biased research done that happens to prove racial hierarchies. Also bringing in the video from class about “The Danger of the Single Story,” I think because of the single story we hear about so many races and people outside of America, this racism will continue to perpetuate.
    It’s exciting to think that we have gathered so much knowledge that we can pass along to others and help to make a difference! I look forward to reading more awesome posts!
